Department News

Do you want to know what the Department of Economics has been doing? Here is all that you want to know and more!

The department, usually very active round the clock has planned and organised various events. Here is a list of events in the academic year 2012-2013. Details of each will be updated shortly. 
  1.  Dr. Sr. Helen Vincent Endowment Lecture
  2.  A. D. Shroff Elocution Contest
  3.  Ecocentric - Department Fest
  4.  Know Your Economy Quiz
  5.  The Best Summary of a Public Lecture
  6.  Inter PG Seminar
  7.  Inter UG Debate 
  8.  Social Awareness Programme Visit
  9.  Ankur - the Department Journal
  10.  Welcome Social
  11.  Farewell Social
  12.  Book Bank
  13.  Projects
  14.  Remedial Teaching
  15.  Excursions &  Field Trips
  16.  Workshops
  17.  Seminars
  18.  Dissertations and Guides of Ph.D., M.Phil, M.A. Students
  19.  Research Projects of the B.A III Students of the RA CLass
  20.  Publication of Faculty, Students and Alumni including online Publications
  21.  Faculty as Resource Persons


  1. The Department of Economics is patiently awaiting the results of the Know Your Economy Quiz that was conducted on 11/2/2013

    Dr. Crystal David John


    Check this link please

    Crystal David John

    1. cut and paste the link into the search box of google search and u will get to read the publication

  3. ECOCENTRIC - The Ecofest of the Department of Economics was held in college on the 17th of September 2012

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. ECOCENTRIC for the year 2013 is being held on the 3rd of October 2013


  7. The Department of Economics offers three certificate courses from July 1st 2013. These are
    1. A certificate course on Stocks Shares and Bonds
    2. a certificate course on Insurance and Risk Management
    3. A certificate course on Financial Planning and Portfolio Management

  8. The Inter PG Seminar was held on the 17th of February 2014. Bernie Verghese got the 1st prize and Mangala got the 2nd prize. Both are students of the MA 2 class

  9. J Focus for SAP is in general Rural Realities, for this reason the IBA students were taken for a village visit and study to Egattur a village in Thiruvallur District of Tamil Nadu on the 7th of February 2014. The school that the students visited was the PANCHAYAT UNIT PRIMARY SCHOOL. This school however housed the middle and senior students too due to the fact that their school building was under construction. The students of the IBA econ class apprised the girl students about all issues related to the menstrual cycle with the help of a video. This included issues from care to hygiene to general myths around issues related to changes in the woman’s body per se. There was a Q and A session and the students, timid as they were managed to break the ice and asked a number of questions. They were also taught how to make sanitary pads if at all they are stuck anywhere without the ability to buy the readymade ones. On the whole it was a fantastic learning experience for both the receivers and the givers of knowledge.

  10. The Know your Economy Quiz was won by Medha of the BA 1 class and the best summary of the public lecture was won by Neerja of the MA 1 class. Congrats dear students!

  11. From June of 2014 Dr. Regi Manimegala is the UG Head of the Economics Department - Congratulations and all the very best :)

  12. Please check the following website
