Friday, 22 February 2013

Raise hands not for sexual violence against women, rather for patting on their back…

Women today are moving at par with men,
Along with the brooms, they also hold the pen,
Thus, gathering courage to write their own destiny,
Making themselves a niche, creating a new history,
‘In search for an answer’, when men act violently and give their life a jolt,
And instead, blame the women saying; “Sorry! It’s not my fault…”

Is it the definition of a chauvinist
With highlights being violence, torture or a rapist?
Women for them, are considered as a game of play,
Being ‘Victims’ of sexual violence day after day…
Agreed, we have not yet been released from patriarchy,
But is this their way of exhibiting chivalry?
Girls are killed before they even see the world,
Frightened ‘Victims’ remain in their shells, are curled…
One walked on the road and on her face acid was thrown,
For all she knew, there was no time to mourn.
Where lay her fault in the whole show,
That her life had to witness that fatal blow?
Is safety a question mark today, when in a moving bus a girl raped?
And the bureaucrats and the crowd stands gaped.
While for justice, the nation came to a standstill,
When into her body, pipes and drips were being drilled…
Some say, what provokes men, is their outfit,
So now, do clothes decide if a woman in the society is fit or a mis-fit?
Then justify the rape of a 5 year old,
Who, after the incident, is even ignorant of how her life will unfold…

Accepted, that at times even women commit a mistake,
And their dignity and life is at stake,
But a change must be, not in the outfit of women, rather in the mindset of the men folk,
Educating them about ‘respect for women and girls’ which for them, is a joke…

A son when lonely and low, sleeps on his mother's lap,
But doesn’t hesitate to give his wife a slap.
He cries on his mom's shoulder, hides behind her back,
While, the wife brightens his life with hue, he darkens hers to make it black…
The irony is that both are women who make better his life,
Then why the difference in respect between mother and wife?
If the adage “Behind every successful man is a woman”, is true,
Then why beat her up black and blue…

A woman bears to the maximum extent she can,
However, if her loved ones are troubled, she can beat any man,
She is taken for granted, for her cry is never heard,
But, it is a woman who gives birth, makes a building a home, and moves the generation forward…
The day this homemaker goes on strike, the life of a man will come to a halt,
And she will nonchalantly reply; “Sorry! It is not my fault”…

~~Saaksshi Goyal


  1. Nice Poem -- but replace the word His-tory with Herstory!

    1. Aah... thankyou... yes... could do that... thanks for the suggestion...
